
Hey there! If you are reading this page, you are probably a new Dashboard developer. Thanks for joining the team! We hope you enjoy your time working with us.

There are two fairly independent components to this project:

  1. The Dashboard itself, which is a static website written in Javascript and React,
  2. A set of scripts for querying various data repositories and generating data files in a format appropriate for the dashboard.

You can work on one or the other or both.

The first thing you probably want to do as a new developer is to read through this entire site to get a sense for the project and the state of documentation. As you read, you will (hopefully) have questions.

For communication, we have set up a mailing list at uh-dept-dashboard@lists.hawaii.edu. We want to know what is confusing or unclear in our documentation so we can fix it. As a new developer, you are best suited to let us know when we didn't write clearly.

To document problems and opportunities, you will normally create GitHub Issues for uh-dept-dashboard-template.

We manage the tasks associated with this project using a GitHub Project board for uh-dept-dashboard.

Good luck and have fun!