
Here is some very preliminary documentation on the dashboard user interface.

Coding the Template#


  • cd ui/
  • npm install

Run the system#

  • npm start: brings up system at localhost:3000/uh-dept-dashboard-template
  • npm run storybook: brings up the storybook interface at localhost:6006.


Creating a new dashboard#

Create your new repo#

Click the "Use this template" button to create a copy of this repository in a new repository.

  • Let's say that your new repository is in the GitHub organization "icsdept" and the name of the repository is "icsdept-dashboard".

Clone your new repository to your local computer.

Edit top-level configuration#

Change directories to the src/ directory of icsdept-dashboard.

Edit the "homepage" property of package.json.

Edit the .github/workflows/deploy.yml file.

  • On lines 33 and 34, edit the user.email and user.name fields to be a person with commit privileges to this repo.
  • One line 35, change "uh-dept-dashboard" to your new organization (for example, icsdept) two times, and change uh-dept-dashboard-template to your new repo (for example, icsdept-dashboard).

Initial build and deploy#

Run npm install to download and install third party libraries.

Run npm deploy to build and deploy the template to the gh-pages branch of this repo.

In GitHub, go to the Settings page, and check the GitHub Pages section to see that "Source" is the root of the gh-pages branch. Do not specify a Jekyll theme.

Go to (for this example) https://icsdept.github.io/icsdept-dashboard and see if the template dashboard appears.

Automated deployment#

By editing the .github/workflows/deploy.yml file, you have configured automated deployment. This means that each time you commit changes to the main branch, GitHub will automatically rebuild and redeploy your system.

About the "sparks" parameter to AYMeasureCard#

Sparks is an array of objects, each of which defines a spark chart, which are laid out in the card in the order provided in the array. The fields for each object are as follows:

chartThe type of chartSee the enum ChartType.
titleThe title to associated with the chart"Five Year Trend"
dataArray of objects containing data valuesExact structure is type dependent. Required field "value"