Stakeholder Survey Response


An academic unit has stakeholders beyond its students, such as local employers or state government. Such stakeholders might wish to benefit not simply from the students graduated by the academic unit, but also by the research performed by the unit, or through consulting relationships with faculty, or joint projects, and so forth. One way to gain insight into the impact of an academic unit beyond its students is through periodic surveys of various stakeholder groups who have the potential to benefit from the department.

Example survey questions could include:

  • "I am satisfied with the quality of graduates from (academic unit)",
  • "I have ample opportunities to collaborate with faculty from (academic unit)."
  • "I am satisfied with the student interns from (academic unit)"
  • "I have opportunities to mentor students from (academic unit)"


For questions on a five point scale, the rollup for a specific question could be the average response.


None at present.


None at present.