Course Evaluation Response


Several units indicate specific goals for their courses that could be assessed via department-wide course evaluation questions, such as:

  • "As a professional student, I found this course attractive and compatible with my work life" (SPAS)
  • "This course provided opportunities for me to improve my software development skills" (ICS)
  • "This course provided me with useful interdisciplinary experiences." (Nursing)


For each question of interest, the average of all responses across all courses. This provides a "global" indicator of the department's progress toward the goal of interest over time, at least as perceived by students.

An alternative representation could be a box and whisker chart.

Drilldown: By course#

A breakdown by course.

Since responses are anonymous, we cannot break down by demographic.

Drilldown: by faculty member#

A breakdown of responses, aggregated across all of the course taught by a specific faculty member in a given academic year.


No known baselines.